
Download Airy Tool to Save YT Videos & Mp3 on Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 PC

Airy Tool Pack Full Offline Installer Overview

Are you a YouTube freak? Do you love watching videos on YouTube? If you have answered these questions with a big YES, then you, my friend, are not alone. YouTube is one of the most popular video streaming platform across the globe, without any doubt. However, the most disappointing thing about YT is that it doesn’t allow the freaks to download videos from its utility.

Fortunately, there are plenty of YT downloaders being available in the market that makes video downloading on YT really easy. Airy is one of the feature-packed tools that is designed for a similar purpose. So if you want to enjoy your favorite YT video again and again and that too offline on your windows, Airy tool has you covered.

Airy Tool Pack Full for Windows PC Offline Installer Setup Features

Download Airy Tool to Save YT Videos & Mp3 on Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 PC

As mentioned earlier, Airy YT downloader is a small utility tool that allows the users to download YT videos on the computer quickly and without any hassle. There are multiple reasons why you want to download a video and the biggest one is those annoying videos. Other reasons might include watching videos offline and again and again.

That is where the Airy download tool comes to the rescue. This tool offers a ton of amazing features, including:

  1. EASY USAGE One of the unique features that you might not find in any YT downloader is Easy usage. Airy tool comes with the easy usage that allows you to download videos effortlessly.
  2. MULTIPLE VIDEO FORMATS SUPPORTED Airy Tool comes with the multiple video format support. This means you can download video files in different formats including – MP4, WebM, FLV, and 3GP file types.
  3. DOWNLOAD VIDEOS ON ALL RESOLUTIONS BEING OFFERED IN YT Airy will allow you to download videos by default on higher resolution and frame rate. However, Airy comes with the feature to allow you to download videos on all resolutions and frame rates that are offered on YT. Great, isn’t it?
  4. DOWNLOAD UNLIMITED VIDEOS The best part about this software is that there is no limit of downloading videos in the premium version. You can choose to download as many videos as you want using this software.
  5. MULTIPLE LANGUAGE SUPPORT In the options section, there is multiple language support for you. Whether you are an English native or a German speaker, the French talker or a Russian utterer, Airy has multi-lingual support to help you.
  6. PAUSE & RESUME DOWNLOADING Just like an IDM (Internet Download Manager), Airy YT downloader allows you to pause and resume the videos and downloads on the go.
  7. UNATTENDED INSTALLATION It is hell easy to create a fully customized unattended installation with the help of an integrated wizard.
  8. HIGH CUSTOMIZATION The pack comes with high customization options. You can make any changes as per your preferences.
  9. MP3 AUDIO EXTRACTOR This downloader comes with the MP3 audio extractor that allows you to extract audio from videos through this software.
  10. AIRY BROWSER EXTENSION There is also an Airy Browser Extension that lets it integrate within a modern browser. This streamlines the process for downloading videos from YT on the go.

Airy Tool Pack Full Offline Installer Technical Setup Details

  • SOFTWARE FULL NAME: Airy Tool for Windows 10 PC
  • SETUP FILE NAME: AiryTool.exe
  • SETUP TYPE: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
  • COMPATIBILITY ARCHITECTURE: 32 Bit (x86) / 64 Bit (x64)

System Requirements For Airy Tool Pack Full Offline Installer Setup

  • MEMORY (RAM): 2 GB RAM Needed
  • HARD DISK SPACE: 250 MB Hard Disk Space Needed
  • PROCESSOR: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz or faster

Download Airy Tool Pack Full Offline Installer Setup For Windows 7 | 8 | 10 | 11

Click on links given below to start downloading Airy Tool Pack Full Offline Installer Setup. This is a full offline installer and standalone setup for Airy Tool Pack Full Offline Installer.

This Airy Tool Pack Full Offline Installer setup is compatible with both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows versions and will work with Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10.

Download Airy Tool to Save YT Videos & Mp3 on Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 PC

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