
Ditto Clipboard Manager to Save Multiple Copy Paste Items in Windows 7, 8, 10, 11

Ditto Clipboard Manager Full Offline Installer Overview

Clipboards make life much easier by providing easy text editing options. They are very handy for people whose jobs involve text editing. In today’s article, we are gonna talk about one of the best clipboard managers.

Ditto Clipboard Manager Full Offline Installer for Windows PC Features

Ditto Clipboard Manager to Save Multiple Copy Paste Items in Windows 7, 8, 10, 11

Ditto Clipboard Manager is an extension to the standard windows clipboard. It saves every single item or piece of text, which is placed on clipboard. You can access all of them later. Ditto is open source

Do not think that Ditto Clipboard Manager is there only when you are dealing with text. It is not such a limited tool. It basically allows you to handle each and every kind of data that can be placed on clipboard. Some of the examples are  images, html, custom formats etc.

1. EASY Ditto Clipboard Manager is very easy to use tool. It is amazingly self-intuitive. You will learn how to use it, within minutes just by playing around.

2. FUNCTIONS All entries you make are saved and not deleted.

3. RETRIEVAL You can easily retrieve any previous entry. Paste it where ever you want. Thus Ditto Clipboard Manager can be regarded as very handy record keeper. Data can be pasted in any windows that excepts standard windows copy paste.

4. SYNC Ditto Clipboard Manager is capable enough to keep clipboards of multiple computers synchronized. Thus it becomes very convenient for any kind of small or even a little big office networks.

5. ENCRYPTION When data is sent over a network, it is completely encrypted first.

6. DATA ACCESS Data can be accessed,  from tray icon or global hot key. You can access any of your clips at any time.

7. PLAYING WITH CLIPS You can perform any kind of operation on clips. You can sort them into groups and search through specific fragments, later on. Making multiple hot keys to facilitate copying and pasting has never been so easier.

7. ENTRY SELECTION As stated earlier, Ditto Clipboard Manager is very easy to use tool. It is very easy to select or deselect entries. You can select entry by double click, enter key or drag drop.

8. FUN WITH IMAGES You can display thumbnail of copied images in list.

9. CHARACTER SUPPORT Ditto Clipboard Manager comes with full Unicode support. It can easily display foreign characters. There is UTF-8 support too, which means you can create files in any language.

10. DATABASE It uses SQL Lite database.

11. TASKBAR Ditto clipboard manager runs in the taskbar, which is at the bottom right corner of screen. The items are shown in numbered list. You can access the list by right clicking the icon in taskbar.

12. Why Not Office or Visual Studio  Because they provide too less number of options. For example Visual Stuido.net, only collects pastes from inside the program. There is no mechanism to paste to external app. There is little storage, and you can not search for past clips.

Ditto Clipboard Manager Full Offline Installer Technical Setup Details

  • SOFTWARE FULL NAME: Ditto Clipboard Manager
  • SETUP FILE NAME: DittoSetup_64bit_3_22_20_0.exe
  • SETUP TYPE: Offline Installer/ Full Standalone Setup
  • COMPATIBILITY ARCHITECTURE: 32 Bit (x86) / 64 Bit (x64)
  • DEVELOPERS: Ditto Clipboard Manager

System Requirements For Ditto Clipboard Manager Full Offline Installer Setup

  • MEMORY (RAM): 1 GB RAM Needed
  • HARD DISK SPACE: 50 MB Hard Disk Space Needed
  • PROCESSOR: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz or faster

Download Ditto Clipboard Manager Full Offline Installer Setup For Windows 7 | 8 | 10 | 11

Click on links given below to start downloading Ditto Clipboard Manager Installer Full Offline Installer Setup. This is a full offline installer and standalone setup for Ditto Full Offline Installer.

Download Ditto Setup

This Ditto Clipboard Manager  Full Offline Installer setup is compatible with both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows versions and will work with Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10.Ditto Clipboard Manager to Save Multiple Copy Paste Items in Windows 7, 8, 10, 11

Ditto Clipboard Manager to Save Multiple Copy Paste Items in Windows 7, 8, 10, 11

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